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Severs Disease

Severs Disease


Sever’s disease is a common cause of heel pain among children and adolescents. It is more common to occur in those who participate in running and jumping sports.


Sever’s disease is a pain in the heel or base of the Achilles. The primary cause of the problem is that the bones around the calf muscles (tibia and fibula) grow a lot quicker than the muscles themselves. This means the calves become tight, the Achilles tendon becomes tighter and therefore pulls on the heel.

Sever’s is a self limiting condition which rarely causes long term problems, however in the short term it can cause some serious discomfort.


As Sever’s disease is a growing injury, this predominately occurs after periods of growth. Your child may have Sever’s disease when one or multiple of the following are present:

  • Toe walking
  • Pain at the heel or the Achilles tendon
  • Limping after exercise
  • Calf muscle stiffness/tightness in the morning
  • Heel pain

Assessment and Management

The team at MTM Physiotherapy

has a strong interest in the treatment and management of heel pain especially in the growing population.

The Physiotherapists at utilise the following treatments:

MTM Physiotherapy Warwick

  • Massage
  • Joint Mobilisations
  • Dry Needling
  • Electrotherapy if indicated
  • Taping
  • Home exercise programs (strength, range of motion and balance)
  • Home management advice
  • Liason with your GP if required
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